Arrow Designed by L J Rowell for Aerokits back in the 60s.
CNC Router cut from 1.5 & 3mm Plywood the kit includes all wood Parts with clear acetate windows ,full size plan and instructions.
White 3D printed fittings kit also included PR804A
Suggested items required to complete the Model
Prop Shaft 5511160,Coupling I-rmA5844, small rudder I-RMA3063, prop H-RMA3031, Motor SKU2979, 50amp Marine ESC7050210, 3s 3350mAh lipo SKU2570, SKU2913 RCS3 Charger, JX Servo HP052-006, 2 channel radio and building tools, adhesives et.
Length : 25.75 ins (654mm)
Beam : 7.33 ins (186mm)
Slec/Aerokit Arrow 25.75ins (654mm) New Design with fittings kit (…
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