HârnWorld Bestiary. Includes 110 pages, 22 pages in colour.
Hârn products are printed on high-quality, loose-leaf pages designed to fit standard 3-ring binders. This format enables you to arrange a collection of articles that are relevant to your campaign, providing easy access to the information you need.
HârnWorld Bestiary
Hârn is a rugged, wild, dangerous island where pockets of civilization are surrounded by large tracts of wilderness. It is a land of feudal kingdoms, noble knights, religious turmoil, wild tribesmen, and savage creatures. There is even a god who creates hundreds of unique creatures called the Ivashu.
Bestiaries are a useful source of creatures to help or hinder player characters. This book contains a selection of Hârnic creatures, some mundane, some incredibly dangerous. Each creature is covered in depth with a multipage separate article.
HârnWorld Bestiary includes: | |
Aquatics Bats Bears Chimerae Deer Dragons Ghosts Gravewights Horses Ilme |
Lycanthropes Morvrin (Undead) Rabbits Rodents Snakes Swine Tawedog Weasels Yelgri Z’hura |
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